Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get Out the Vote!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:46 AM
The election process has been in full swing with early voting here in South Florida. This election season has been especially aggravating with all the mud-slinging TV commercials, robo calls (at least 2 a day), direct mail and radio ads. The only good thing about all this is that none of it is about Marty, since he is running unopposed. I wish it could be like this every year (dare to dream).

Marty LOVES election day and voting, and he was excited to bring Brianne with us to expose her to the wonderful world of the electoral process. We voted early, and were able to walk right up and vote. When we pulled up to the voting place, Brianne really enjoyed meeting all the poll workers and came away with a whole stack of leaflets.

Here we are on our family field trip to vote!

Here is Marty showing Brianne how to fill out a ballot. She was so excited to vote, she wore a special red, white and blue outfit and brought her little donkey along. Can you guess what party affiliation she is??

After voting, we had a nice lunch at a nearby cafe.

Brianne enjoyed playing with her "I VOTED" stickers while we waited for our food to arrive.


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