Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Visit from the New York Family

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:45 AM
We were so excited to have Marty's family from New York come to visit recently. We only get to see them once or twice a year, so our visits are a lot of fun! Marty's Uncle Gerry, Aunt Joanne, cousin Tammy and Tammy's kids Jack and Gabriella all came to Marty's parents house to visit. And even though it was almost a month after Brianne's birthday, they brought her some fun presents! Brianne loves any excuse to celebrate her birthday.
Here is Gabriella showing Brianne the nice presents she brought - Disney Princess books and pretty outfits!

Aunt Casey and Brianne with Tammy and Gabriella chilling by the pool.

The next day, we went to Uncle Gerry and Aunt Joanne's condo on Ft. Lauderdale beach. The weather didn't hold up very well, but we still enjoyed relaxing and taking in the view. Brianne was trying to wrap her head around the concepts of height - she wasn't afraid at all.

Brianne hanging with her cousins Tyler and Taylor (and Elmo, of course).

The sun came out for a bit, so we got to spend some time out by the pool. Here is Brianne sitting patiently after getting lubed up with sunscreen.
Brianne had a blast splashing around in the pool and flinging around some pool noodles.

Before we went home, we wanted Aunt Joanne to trim Brianne's bangs. Aunt Joanne is a professional hair dresser, so we all get a hair cut when she comes to town. But when it's Brianne's turn, everyone in the room had to help baby wrangle. It took twice as long, but we managed to get her bangs trimmed up nice and neat.


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