Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby's First Democratic Club Meeting

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:33 PM
Tonight (September 13), we took Brianne to her very first Democratic club meeting at the Weston Democratic club. We went before the meeting actually started so we could visit with everyone. Also, at 7pm (bed time), Brianne turns into a pumpkin (a small, whiny pumpkin), so we couldn't stay for the whole meeting.

Brianne had a great time visiting with everyone, and crawling all over the floor. Yes, I know, it was probably a bad idea to let her crawl through all the germs, but she just had to run around and chat with everyone. We learned that she is quite the little social butterfly.

Here is Marty trying to hold onto Brianne before we let her crawl around to start her visiting.

Of course, Brianne had to have her donkey with her. It was a Democratic club meeting, after all.

Here is Brianne visiting with one of her new friends.

We managed to catch some of Brianne's socializing on video. Yes, that's her screaming at everyone as she crawls over their feet. I can already tell she will be a political animal, just like daddy. President of her pre-school class room, for sure!

Thank you Weston Democratic Club for letting Brianne share in the fun before your meeting!


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