Sunday, September 19, 2010

Around the Block in 80 Minutes

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:29 PM
One of the benefits of having friends with kids around the same age as your own, is they lend you cool stuff once their kid has grown out of it. Brianne's friend Bradley loaned her his walker. Bradley started walking at 12 months, and here we are at 14 months, and still no walking. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of floor space in our house for Brianne to roam around in, so we took the walker outdoors for a test drive.

Brianne was so excited to be up on her feet outside, that as soon as she was in the walker, she took off. We actually went all the way around 1 block by our house. By myself, I can walk around the block in about 5 minutes. With Brianne, it took us about 45 minutes. This is because she was fascinated by everything she saw, so she was constantly stopping to check everything out. And I do mean everything... A patch of grass, the yellow reflectors on the street, a squirrel, the neighbor's car. Even the most mundane things are exciting to a one year old. It definitely puts things in perspective!

Brianne walking across the street. Now we just need to teach her how to look both ways!

Contemplating her shadow.

Watching an airplane go by.

Watch Brianne in action.


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