Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Got a New Way to Walk

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:16 PM
The question that makes me cringe is "Is Brianne walking yet, she must be walking by now..." At 13, almost 14 months, Brianne isn't walking unassisted yet. But she is doing everything but. She is pulling up to standing on everything, and can walk (cruise) around it. She can take steps between furniture, and now, she will walk if you hold onto her. Also, she can now stand up without pulling up on something. So she is making baby steps (both literally and figuratively).

Per the pediatrician, she should be walking by her 15 month check up or she has to see a specialist (again with the threats). I have a feeling that one day in the next couple of weeks, she will just stand up and walk down the hall. The irony is, the day she starts walking, we are going to be wishing she would stay in one place.


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