Monday, September 13, 2010

Little Lady

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:16 PM
This past Sunday, we went to church, so we got a chance to dress Brianne up in one of her many dresses (mommy and daddy still wore shorts and t-shirts - we go to a very casual church). So she was a little overdressed, but any excuse to dress pretty!

Going to church with a one year old is quite an adventure. Even though she was all dressed up, she still wanted to crawl up and down the aisle. We've started sitting in the back row so as not to disturb the other church-goers. But Brianne likes to "sing" (i.e. scream at random), especially when everyone around her is also singing. We wanted to take pictures of her at church, but Brianne was feeling camera shy and cried whenever we put her down. So when we got home, I gave it one last shot, and was rewarded with these great pics!

Our little baby is growing up. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Here is Brianne standing unassisted.

This is our little front yard. It was a mission to stand Brianne up, and walk far enough away to get a picture without her falling over and/or crying.

She only stood for about 2 minutes, and then needed a rest. This picture almost looks like she is giving a thumbs up :o)


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