Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Relaxing Afternoon at Grandad's House

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:11 AM
One recent Sunday, we spent the afternoon at Grandad Steve and Grandma Janet's house. The weather was so nice, we decided to go to the pool at their condo. It took a good 20 minutes to get Brianne changed into her bathing suit and get sun screen applied.

Here we are taking in the view on the balcony.

Brianne with half her bathing suit, getting ready to be schmeared with sunscreen.

After we spent a couple hours down by the pool, we went to a nearby restaurant called Pirate's Bar. We sat out on the dock and had some fish and chips. Brianne was only interested in the chips (french fries). Sitting next to the river, we were concerned that Brianne might throw something in....

We went the whole evening without losing anything, and then Brianne threw her cup into the river. Grandad Steve managed to fish the cup out before it was lost forever. Our hero!


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