Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun with Sidewalk Chalk

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:57 AM
We recently went to a birthday party for the son of one of my high school friends, who I haven't seen since high school. It was so fun to catch up, and try to fully appreciate the fact that we both now have kids. My, how things have changed.

The party was held at a park in North Miami, and was themed around Thomas the Train. They also had a box of side walk chalk. Brianne loved playing with the chalk, though she didn't quite get that they are used for drawing. That's ok, plenty of time to develop those art skills.

The only concerning thing about the chalk was that Brianne kept trying to eat it.

She had a rainbow of colors all over her face. Thank goodness it is non-toxic.

We left covered in chalk, but had a great time at the party!


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