Saturday, October 16, 2010

WNBA, Here We Come!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:38 AM
Brianne's Uncle Marc is a great basketball player, and an even better basketball coach. So one afternoon, we all went to our local park to have Baby's First Basketball lesson. Brianne is off the charts in height, so we figure its time to get a head start on her future as a basketball star. She hasn't quite mastered walking yet, so we had to break out the walker, but that didn't stop Brianne from going after the ball.

Here Brianne is learning to dribble.

Uncle Marc showing Brianne how to shoot, and Daddy giving her pointers on proper ball carrying technique.

Brianne trying to soak in all her new knowledge, but she kept getting distracted by passing airplanes.

Even Aunt Jen got into the lesson, showing Brianne how to pass.


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