Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sesame Street Live!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:24 AM
Brianne loves Sesame Street so much that when the live show, Sesame Street Live, came to town, we had to go! I bought tickets months in advance and was able to get seats just a few rows back from the stage. I've been to my fair share of musicals, but never with so many little kids! I was surprised at how well Brianne behaved. I was worried that she would want to get down and crawl around, but she sat in Marty's lap throughout the entire show. Marty and I have been a little Sesame Street-ed out recently, but we both enjoyed the show. What we really enjoyed was watching Brianne have a blast watching her favorite characters. It was money well spent, and I hope we can share more theater with her in the future, though maybe without the life sized muppets.

Brianne got to wear one of her many Elmo outfits for the occasion. We even bought her an over-priced Elmo doll for her to hold during the show.

Brianne cheered when Elmo came out on stage.

The characters came down into the aisles. It was so much fun to see them up close!

Here we are during intermission. Brianne had to hold all her animals, including her new Elmo.


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