Monday, November 1, 2010

Long Weekend in Sanibel

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:27 PM
We needed to get away for a bit, so we decided to pack the family up and head over to the west coast for some fun in the sun on Sanibel island. The great thing about Sanibel is that we get to stay at my dad's house (which is available as a vacation rental, in case anyone is interested).

Sanibel is a great place for relaxing, but with a baby, you can't really lay around and read a book. So we are challenged to explore and find new things to do. The week we went (first week of October), was just right before the season started, so we had some difficulties finding things that were going on as scheduled. But with the weather a cool 80 degrees, we still managed to have a great time.

When we first got there, it took us a good 45 minutes to get all our stuff into the house. While we moved all our stuff, Brianne amused herself with the ice in the cooler.

The next day, we went to the pool at the recreation center. It had a great kiddie pool with a lot of sprinklers, and splashy things. The only issue was that it was really windy, so if you got out of the water, it got a little cold. What also didn't help was the fact that we forgot towels. We got to the pool before the kiddie area opened, so we killed time in the side pool, where the water slide came out. Here is Brianne sitting on the slide (she didn't actually go down).

A different day, we went to a really cool butterfly garden in Fort Myers. I need to get one of these butterfly benches for my back patio!

Here is the inside of the butterfly house. They had just released hundreds of newly hatched butterflies, so we didn't have any trouble seeing butterflies.

Brianne enjoyed spotting butterflies.

We got Brianne to sit still long enough to get a picture of her and a butterfly.

It was a little cool outside, so the one time we went to the beach, we went more to walk around and look for shells.

Here we are enjoying a walk and looking for shells.
We're looking forward to going back to Sanibel very soon!


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