Saturday, November 27, 2010

Addicted to iPad

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:32 AM
Brianne has tons of toys, but recently is mostly interested in our toys, mainly our iPad. We have a few kid-specific apps, but her favorite is playing a game called "Nin-jump" with Marty. Really, Marty is the one that plays and she just likes to watch. The only problem is, she likes to watch so much that you can't have the iPad out without her wanting to see what you're doing. So unless you want to play Nin-jump and let her sit in your lap, don't even think about taking the iPad out unless you want to start a melt down. Now if I have the iPad, I try to show her apps that areeducational, so at least I feel she's getting something out of it.

Here is Marty and Brianne playing Nin-jump. You basically tap the screen to make a tiny ninja jump from side to side, avoiding bad ninjas, birds and squirrels. It sounds dumb, but is kind of fun.


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