Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Spooky Little Sunflower - Happy Halloween!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:50 PM
Brianne was a sunflower for Halloween, and she was without doubt, the cutest little sunflower you ever saw. I wanted to get the biggest bang for my buck out of that costume, so we went trick or treating on Saturday AND Sunday.

On Saturday, we went to Hamptons Park in Coral Springs, and met up with our friends the DiPaolo's and the Lum's. We waited until we got to the park to put Brianne in her costume. I made the mistake of trying to pull the costume over her head, and I ended up ripping a seam on the side. It was under her arm, so you could barely see it. She still looked adorable! When we got there, there was a huge line, all with little kids dressed up in their costume. Brianne was the little social butterfly, and walked up and down the line of trick or treaters and admired their costumes.

Brianne and Kylie. Kylie was a butterfly, which was the perfect compliment to our sunflower :o)

We waited in line about 45 minutes. When we finally got up to the front, we were brought into a little forested area with a path. The event was put on by a local high school, so every 20 feet or so, there were high school students dressed in costumes. Brianne was thrilled to see all her favorite characters there, like Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Sponge Bob and more.

On Sunday, Brianne was back to being a flower. Cooper didn't want to be left out, so he dressed up as a daisy. You can tell from this photo that he was very excited to be a daisy.

We didn't go trick or treating until around 7:30pm, which is 30 minutes after Brianne's bed time. She was starting to drag, but found a second wind once we got going.

Here we are getting ready to go out. Marty and I attempted to be gardeners but we kind of slacked on our props. We'll have to prepare more for next year.

Stopping by our neighbor's house for some treats! Our neighborhood was packed with kids trick or treating. And many of our neighbors sat on their drive ways to hand out candy, which made it a lot easier.

We took the kids around the neighborhood in a wagon. They really enjoyed getting chauffered around.

We were out for about an hour, and that was all the fun Brianne could handle. A great night was had by all, and we look forward to next year!


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