Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday Shopping and Brianne's First Movie

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 10:09 AM
Marty and I are not big believers in Black Friday shopping, but we decided to take Brianne to go see what all the fuss was about and headed to Sawgrass Mills Mall. We got to Sawgrass around 9am, and the place was already packed. Apparently, people were there starting around midnight and were still shopping 9 hours later. I think I will take a full night's sleep over masses of people shoving and pushing in search of the next discount any day. And speaking of discounts, maybe we didn't go to the right places, but we didn't see that many special deals at all. But we still had a good time browsing around. Brianne got antsy sitting in her stroller, so we had to take a break and let her run around outside.

Brianne wanted to go in Bloomingdale's. That's my girl!

A nice family moment in front of the huge Christmas tree. Guess that means we need to go buy our own Christmas tree!

Since we were already in Sawgrass, we decided to take Brianne to see her very first movie in the movie theater. We saw Disney's "Tangled". While Marty bought a drink, I took Brianne into the little arcade where she got to try her first drag racing game. Her racing skills were amateur at best (it probably would have helped if she could reach the pedals).

Marty and I both really enjoy animated movies, and we both thought that this movie was hilarious. Brianne did very well and sat through the whole movie with minimal squirming. The key was having lots of snacks on hand.

We're looking forward to our next family movie outting!


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