Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:10 AM
The first weekend in November, we took a little family getaway to Disney World in Orlando. Brianne was only 8 months old the last time we took her to Disney, and it was quite a different experience this time around versus last time. This time around, Brianne was not content to sit in her stroller. She wanted to walk around and see everything up close and personal. This was a bit problematic since Disney was absolutely slam packed that weekend. Even though it was really busy, we got to do most of the rides we wanted to do - Small World, Peter Pan, Carousel, etc. We didn't get to meet any characters as the lines were humongous, but fortunately, Brianne doesn't really care about collecting autographs yet.

Enjoying Marty's favorite ride, It's a Small World.

Brianne was not content to be carried, and wanted to walk the lines herself. She was excited to go on Snow White for the first time (she wasn't scared at all!).

Brianne saw her very first 3D movie, Mickey's Philharmagic. At first she didn't want to wear the glasses, but I managed to stick them on her right as the 3D started and she watched the whole thing (and I only had to hold her arms down a little bit).

Riding the carousel. This time around, she got to ride on her very own horse!

Waiting for the Mickey stage show to start. You may notice that Brianne is wearing a different outfit. This is because when I went to change her diaper, I noticed that she hadn't pee'd that much. Of course, as soon as I took her diaper off to change it, she started peeing.... and didn't stop until her clothes were soaking wet. It was a cold weekend (in the 50's), and my spare set of clothes were a tank top and shorts, so we had to buy a new outfit. We ended up buying her a super cute velour track suit (Disney branded of course).


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