Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:44 AM
I can't believe how fast time is flying! It seems like we were just trick-or-treating, and now it's already Thanksgiving. Marty wanted to run in a Turkey Trot 5K, so we went up to Tamarac to visit the Alona and Bradley while Frank and Marty "trotted". We had a busy morning of Thanksgiving arts n' crafts, watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special, and enjoyed some special Pumpkin Cranberry bread, which I baked. And this was all before 9am!

Brianne and Bradley drawing some Thanksgiving pictures.

I made a turkey out of Brianne's hand, then let her decorate it.

Here is the finished piece of art. A master piece!

While the kids drew, Alona's dog ate one of their crayons. We caught Rudy in the act!

We made Brianne and Bradley indian head dresses. Mine had a design flaw, which was that I used glitter glue paint without waiting for it to dry. So Brianne had some nice glitter streaks in her hair. I ended up making 3 different hats before I got one that fit on her head and didn't get her clothes dirty.

Here are the finished products. Bradley is quite the little model, but Brianne tore the hat off as soon as I put it on. This is the closest I could get to a photo of them both wearing their hats.

Brianne and Bradley also sang some Thanksgiving songs. Here is Bradley accompanying Brianne on the piano.

And in case you are wondering what the Thanksgiving song sounds like, here is a video clip.


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