Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Peter Piper Picked a Pumpkin

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:28 PM
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year, so I try to spread the Halloween cheer over as many weekends as I can. Part of the fun of Halloween is going to a pumpkin patch to pick the perfect pumpkin. There is a farmer's market/plant nursery about 5 minutes from our house that has a great pumpkin patch, so we went over to check it out. They had a huge selection of pumpkins, but even better than that, they had a bunch of little areas set up for photo ops, which, lets face it, is the main reason most families go to these places in the first place.

Before we went over to the patch, we stopped by the Town of Davie Halloween festival. There were hundreds of kids running around in costume, and Brianne enjoyed watching their shenanigans. They also had a petting zoo, where Brianne enjoyed meeting little farm animals up close and personal.

Not only did they have a child costume contest, they had a horse costume contest. This is Davie after all. Brianne didn't mind the kids in costume, but something about seeing horses dressed as pirates and cats disturbed her so much, she started crying. Can't say that I blame her.

We finally made it over to the pumpkin patch.

A Daddy-Daughter-Pumpkin moment. Aww.

Lots and lots of pumpkins to choose from!

Brianne had to inspect each one before we found our pumpkin.
After picking our perfect pumpkin, we brought it home to make a jack o lantern. Brianne wanted to sign off on the face I drew before Daddy started carving.
Here's our finished jack o lantern. Definitely a family effort!


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