Sunday, October 25, 2009

Back to the Grind

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:20 AM
This past week, I rejoined the working world and left Brianne in the capable hands of Marty and Aunt Joan. I was fortunate enough to be able to change my hours to 7:30am - 4:30pm, but that means I need to leave the house by 6:45am and Marty is in charge of Brianne's mornings. It takes all my will power not to wake Brianne up so I can see her before I leave. Also, because I dont get home until 5:30pm, Marty is in charge of pick up. He has really stepped up as Mr. Mom, and has done a great job taking care of Brianne. While I wish it were me to be the one with the extra hours with her, I'm glad her daddy can be there every day spending time with her.

Brianne did really well at Aunt Joan's house all week. I didn't call more than twice a day, but Aunt Joan was very nice and supportive of the change in our schedules. I think going back to work would be so much harder if we weren't so happy with Brianne's day care arrangements. Believe it or not, we actually just got called by the Royal Caribbean day care this week saying that we cleared the wait list, but we are going to defer and go back to the bottom of the list. Hopefully, the next time we get called, Brianne will be over a year old, and we'll be ready for her to go to a day care center.

Though I was gone for over 3 months, it felt like I had never left. I had a great team helping out in my absence, so things were very organized when I got back. I still had a lot to catch up on, but it was definitely a good distraction from missing the baby. When I got home every day, those few hours with Brianne have been the best. It's true that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I have really been treasuring the time with my family, and making the most out of the limited time we have together during the week.

Here is Mr. Mom Marty snuggling with Brianne right before I left for work. She had woken up early, so I got to have a last minute hug and kiss before my first day back to work.

What I'm really going to miss is all the little things that Brianne does during the day. This week, she had something crazy going on with her hair - kind of like a little Alf-alfa piece sticking up. She'd had a bath the night before, so her hair wasn't dirty, but nothing would keep that piece of hair down.


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