Sunday, October 18, 2009

Three Months Old and Counting

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:49 AM
Brianne is 3 months old as of Saturday, October 17. She continues to amaze us with the new things she's learned how to do. She's learned how to blow bubbles or "rasberries", and loves to do this all the time. She's making a wider variety of noises, and has become quite the "chatty kathy". She is very social and likes meeting new people, which is no surprise considering she is Marty's daughter. She holds her head up very well, and hardly bobbles at all anymore. She kicks her little arms and legs with a fury, and I swear, if you put her on her stomach, she would crawl across the room in a flash. She is almost rolling over (see my earlier post for more details on that). She has started putting her hands on her bottle when she eats. She cant quite hold it up yet, but it is the cutest thing ever, especially when her bib gets in the way and she flips it up over her face.

She is also sleeping 11-12 hours straight through the night, which is amazing. She goes down at about 8:30 and wakes up between 7:00am and 8:00am. One of my latest favorite things is going into her room in the morning when she wakes up, and watching her stretch and smile when she sees me. It really just melts my heart.

She has been a wonderful little baby ever since she joined our family, and while we already miss some of her newbown quirks, we can't wait to see what she'll do next!

Here is Brianne wearing the same outfit we dressed her in for her hospital portrait right after she was born. It definitely fits much better now. What a cutie!

Here is Brianne's hospital portrait in the same outfit. The outfit is size 0-3 (I didn't know when she was born that size 0-3 was not the same as "newborn" size), so we had to tuck it in around her for this portrait.


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