Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day Care

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:42 PM
Well, I am officially back to work as of Monday, October 19. That's right, 3 months of maternity is already over. In preparation for me going back to work, Brianne is starting day care with a wonderful woman who is a family friend of Marty's parents, Mrs. Wilson, or Aunt Joan, as Brianne calls her. We are so fortunate to have Aunt Joan watching Brianne, though I am sad to leave her for so long during the day. However, I am excited to have conversations with other adults that do not include the words "poopie" or "the wheels on the bus".

By some miracle, Brianne has started going to bed around 8:30pm and sleeping 11 to 12 hours straight through the night as of this week. Brianne went to Aunt Joan's house for the first time on yesterday, October 14, for a half day. She was still sleeping at 7:00am when it was time for her to get up to get ready, and she was extremely angry to be wakened before she was ready (boy, do we know how that feels). But we got her ready, and all her stuff together, and out the door only a few minutes late.

Marty had to unexpectedly go to court, so I had to drop her off all by myself. Once we arrived, Brianne enjoyed meeting Aunt Joan, and was in a good mood up until I had to leave. I don't think it was because she was upset I was leaving, I think she was just a little cranky from getting her sleep cut short and from getting used to her new surroundings. Of course, this didn't make me feel any better, and I was in tears as I walked out the door.

I did enjoy having a few hours to myself, but it is one of the hardest things I've had to do, leaving her behind. Thank goodness we have someone who we trust, and who will give Brianne the love and attention she needs while we can't be with her during the day.

Here is Aunt Joan and Brianne getting ready to start their day together.


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