Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:05 AM
On October 3, Brianne was baptized in the Catholic Church. The ceremony was held at St. David's, and we were lucky enough to have a private ceremony. Normally, baptisms are held en masse with 10 or more babies baptized at once, so our ceremony was very nice - and super speedy. The whole thing lasted approximately 7.5 minutes. We were running late that morning, so if we didn't have the star of the show with us, we would have missed it. We literally walked into the church, threw her baptismal gown on, walked down the aisle and started the ceremony. I'm glad we got it on video, because it happened so quickly, I hardly remember what happened.

Brianne did fantastic and was smiling the whole time. Even when the priest poured the water on her head, she didn't flinch. The only time she started to fuss was when she was passed around for photo ops after the ceremony. As soon as I took her, she calmed right down and fell asleep. So most people's photos are of her sleeping, though I guess that's better than pictures of her screaming.

Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe threw a beautiful party afterwards at our Uncle Gerry's beach condo. We had a great time visiting with all our family who traveled from near and far to celebrate Brianne's special day. It was a wonderful day for everyone, especially our new little Catholic!

Here is Brianne in her baptism gown. This gown is very special because it was the gown that I was baptized in. Great job Mi Ma Debbie for tracking it down!

Here we are at St. David's at the beginning of the ceremony. Marty's brother Marc and his sister Casey served as God parents.


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