Sunday, October 18, 2009

She's On a Roll

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:31 AM
Just this past week, Brianne rolled over for the first time! She has been half-rolling (from her back to her left side) for a few days, but she finally made it all the way from her back to her front. She only rolled over all the way once, and Mi Ma Debbie was the only one to see it.

It is so cute to watch her try. She curls her legs up toward her tummy, then rolls to one side. When she rolled over the one time, she managed to straighten her legs which caused her to kind of fall on her face. You could tell she was just as surprised as we were, especially since she hates being on her tummy.

While we are so excited to watch her make this next step, it makes me nervous that she is getting mobile. There is something comforting knowing that if I put her down (somewhere safe, of course), she will be in the same place if I step away for a second. Now we have to watch her closer than ever, otherwise she might roll away!

Here is Brianne doing her half-roll.


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