Friday, April 29, 2011

A Bridal Shower for Jen

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:00 PM
In preparation for Marc and Jen's wedding, Jen's family threw her a beautiful bridal shower. Brianne is the flower girl, and was looking forward to getting in some practice at showering Aunt Jen. The party was at Jen's parents house up in Boca. They have a lovely home, and an awesome pool out back. As soon as we walked in the door, Brianne took one look at the pool and made a run for it. It's not a real shower unless you get wet, right? Wrong. She was very upset when we (me and 2 others) had to restrain her and bodily carry her kicking and screaming inside. She was so upset, I had to take her into a bathroom and hold her until she calmed down. She had a snack and composed herself.

After that initial melt down, Brianne did very well. We enjoyed some lunch, and mingling with our friends and family. Jen got what seemed like dozens of presents, so the bulk of the shower was spent admiring all the awesome stuff she got. Brianne wasn't too impressed with crock pots and bed linens, so entertained herself with running around the house and eating grapes. She must have eaten an entire bunch of grapes all by herself. All in all, it was a fun day, and we can't wait to welcome Jen into the family!

Sitting with Aunt Jen.

Brianne was overcome with love and walked around hugging this plush heart.

In between all the present opening, we snuck away and had a pretend photo shoot. Here is one of my current favorite photos of Brianne.

What you can't quite see is that Brianne is covered in grape juice and chocolate smears. But she still looks like an angel!


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