Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Disney On Ice

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:19 PM
As the afternoons have been heating up, we have tried to figure out ways to have fun without sweating to death. One recent Sunday, we decided to beat the heat with Mickey and see Disney on Ice. I took Brianne by myself, so I was a little nervous about wrangling her and all her stuff. But Brianne did great! She was mesmerized by all the kids and all the Disney posters and decorations in the arena. I had never seen Disney on Ice so I wasn't sure what to expect. I actually really enjoyed it! They had over 50 characters as part of the show, including the Toy Story gang, all the Princesses and their Princes, and of course Mickey, Minnie and the other main characters. The skaters themselves were incredible, especially considering the costumes they had to wear.

Brianne sat through the entire show without squirming. She even had her first taste of cotton candy! At first, she didn't know what to do with it, and didn't like the fact that it stuck to her hand. But once she tasted it, she couldn't get enough! We had a blast watching the show, and can't wait to see another show.

Waiting for the show to start.

I love this picture of Brianne. She looks like a little model.

Getting ready for the big finale!


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