Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunday Fun Day

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:16 PM
Marty Uncle Gerry and Aunt Joanne came into town recently, and invited us over for a visit. They have a condo on Ft. Lauderdale Beach which has a great pool and a great view.

A storm was rolling in, so we didn't have much time to swim. Brianne is learning how to jump in the pool.

Marty and Brianne made the most out of their swim time and buzzed around the pool. Brianne kept saying "again!" Marty was tired, but kept racing around the pool with her.

Having fun splashing on the steps.

After it started raining, we had to bring our fun in doors. We went down stairs and checked out the gym.

Brianne had fun making funny faces at herself in the mirror.

Then we went back up to Uncle Gerry's condo. Mommy had a little too much fun playing photographer.

It was really windy up on the balcony.

Before we went to dinner, we went for a walk on the boardwalk. We stopped to watch the Allure of the Seas take off. You can see it just coming out of Port Everglades.

What a sweetie angel.


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