Friday, April 29, 2011

Cayden Turns 2!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:50 PM
Brianne's friend Cayden had his second birthday, so we enjoyed celebrating with a party at his house! Brianne had a blast swimming in the paddle pool, blowing bubbles, and eating ice cream cake.

Here's Brianne splashing around. It was impossible to keep water in this pool because every time a kid would climb in or out, a gallon of water poured out after them.

Not nice Cayden! Lol

Brianne and Cayden after lunch. All the little kids made a game of picking ice cubes out of the cooler and putting them in little tupper ware containers. Why buy toys when you can give your kids ice cubes and tupper ware?

After we were done swimming, Marty tried teaching Brianne how to hit a baseball. She actually did hit the ball!

Relaxing after a hard afternoon of partying!


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