Friday, April 29, 2011

Hop Along Kid

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:05 PM
The Easter Bunny was very good to Brianne this year. She didn't get any candy, but she did get some fun toys, stickers and crayons!

Brianne checking out her Easter basket.

Pretending to be the Easter Bunny!

Her favorite toy in her basket was a little wind up chick. She danced around chanting "peep peep peep" while the chick bobbled across the floor. It was hilarious. Her second favorite toy was a pack of plastic bracelets. She has an early love of jewelry :o)

Later that day, we went to Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe's house. We hid (i.e. sat in plain sight) a bunch of colored eggs for Brianne to "find". She had a blast looking for all the eggs.

Finding some eggs in the kitchen.

She put all her eggs in her little ride-a-long poney basket. After she found them all, she took them on a ride around the house. We had a bunny-tastic Easter all around!


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