Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Round and Round We Go

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:56 PM
The St. David's Carnival rolled into town recently, so we went to check it out one Saturday evening. Brianne got her hair put up in a pony tail before we left for the carnival. Probably my best one to date! It was dinner time when we got there, so we had an assortment of yummy food - fried fish, quesadillas, and sweet potato fries. Here is Brianne discovering marshmallow fluff. She was definitely a fan! Most of the rides were for bigger kids, but all Brianne wanted to do was ride the carousel. This was probably the fastest carousel I had ever ridden. I had a death grip on Brianne the whole time to keep her from sliding off the horse. Even after nearly falling off, she wanted to keep riding. My head was still spinning, so I let Marty take a turn. They opted for the bench the second time around. Much safer :o)


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