Sunday, March 6, 2011

Passion for Pony Tails

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:22 PM
Brianne will still not let me put any bows or pony tails in her hair, but I am not giving up! I was finally able to get a half pony tail in her hair, and she let it stay for about 20 minutes. Progress! Her hair is long enough that it gets in her face, and I see her trying to wipe it out of her eyes. I try to reason with her, but still hasn't quite gotten it yet. Soon I think she will let me put stuff in her hair. Can't wait!

Here's the best I could do. I actually had to do this while following her around our house, holding a brush in my teeth and the rubber band around my finger. Not too bad!

What a cutie!


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