Sunday, March 6, 2011

Swimmin' on a Sunday

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:03 PM
My sister-in-law had some relatives down last weekend (February 27), so she invited all our local family over for a pool and pizza party. Marty and I were feeling lazy and didn't bring our swim suits over. When we got there, there was already 5 other kids in the pool, and poor little Bree Bree had her face pressed up against the patio door wanting to go out. At first, we tried just to hang out on the patio, but she kept trying to dive in. We gave up trying to keep her out of the pool, and stripped her down to her diaper. Cousin Taylor volunteered to swim with Brianne so we didn't have to get in. Brianne had a blast splashing around with all the big kids!

Brianne was content to sit on the step and watch the action from there.

Practicing her swimming from the safety of the step. Since she wasn't wearing a swim diaper, her regular diaper soaked up what seemed like half the pool.

After a long evening of swimming (and before her diaper exploded), we had to pry her out of the pool. Time for some pizza! She ate two whole slices!


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