Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cool Chick in a Hot Tub

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:47 PM
One of the benefits of living so close to your family is the use of their lovely pools. Aunt Casey and Uncle Scott have a particularly awesome back yard set up, and are kind enough to invite us over to beat the heat in their pool from time to time. A couple weekends ago, we stopped by to take a dip. What we didn't realize was that the pool heater wasn't turned on, and it felt like a frozen lake in there. Scott checked the temperature and it was actually around 75, but it felt much colder. Brianne didn't seem to mind and enjoyed sitting on the step and splashing around. The hot tub heater wasn't turned on either, but it was still a little warmer than the pool. So we turned on the jets and hung out in the somewhat warm tub (think leukwarm bathwater). At first, the bubbles kind of freaked Brianne out, but she warmed up to them (pun intended). Toweling off after a fun and relaxing day!


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