Sunday, March 6, 2011

Orange You Glad to be in a Parade?

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 11:46 AM
Every year, Marty and I ride in the Orangle Blossom Festival parade in the Town of Davie. Brianne is still too little to ride in a car without a car seat, so she had to watch from the side line. But she still enjoyed cheering us on. There were a lot of neat parade floats, horses (we were in Davie after all), and other kids dancing or playing instruments. We also collected a lot of good loot, including a balloon, a pom pom and an orange!

Playing with our balloon before the parade.

Pretending to drive a tractor, while still holding the balloon. Big Bird got to drive the tractor as well.

Smile and wave!

After the parade, we wanted to walk around the festival for a bit. Brianne had all her gear and was ready to enjoy the festivities.

Big girl sunglasses just like mommy!


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