Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:39 PM
This Saturday (March 12), we made the drive up to Jupiter to visit our good friends, Kristy and Josh, and see Brianne's very first baseball game. The St. Louis Cardinals have their spring training in Jupiter, so that is what we went to see. Baseball is not a very popular sport, and the Marlins do not have very many fans (unless they happen to be winning). So I was not expecting to see too many people at this game. But wouldn't you know it, the game was sold out! Over 7,000 people were there!

When we got there, Brianne had just fallen asleep in her stroller. I didn't want to wake her up, so I brought her and the stroller into the stadium. Baseball stadiums are not very accessible, so Marty and I had to lift the stroller up several flights of stairs - no easy task with 27 lbs of sleeping weight added into it. Also, I thought that I could pull the stroller into our row and just sit indian-style. Did you know that stadium rows are too narrow to accommodate an umbrella stroller? I didn't - learn something new every day. Our seats were in the middle of the row, but luckily, there were two end seats available, and have Brianne in the stroller in the aisle.

When Brianne finally woke up, she was happy to sit in my lap and check everything out. She had a soft pretzel and some Italian Ice and just enjoyed the day. Believe it or not, but she sat through the entire 9 innings! Kristy and I were both blown away at how good she did. Looks like we'll be able to take our little sports fan to more games!

Marty played baseball in college, and is a big fan. He enjoyed explaining the rules of the game to Brianne.

Brianne was more interested in eating her pretzel and looking at everyone at the game. Who knew there were so many Cardinal fans in South Florida!


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