Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Luck o' the Irish

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:55 PM
Since St. Patrick's Day falls on a Thursday this year, so our local cities had their St. Patrick's Day celebrations were held over the previous weekend. So Sunday found us trekking down to Hollywood to enjoy their St. Patty's fest.

Brianne's nap time ran late so we missed the parade, but we still had a nice time walking around and seeing all the drunk people. At least Brianne and I remembered to wear green!

Marty taking a turn with the St. Patty's head band. We tried to get Brianne to wear it, but she was not into it.

With so many people, we opted to use Brianne's leash. We have to put some serious effort into teaching Brianne how to hold hands so we can do away with the leash.

You know its St. Patrick's Day when there is a bottle of Guiness the size of a building and bag pipers wandering about.


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