Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slip and Slide

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:35 PM
We met our friends, the DiPaolos, on Sunday, March 6, at a local park. This was the first time we had been to this particular park, and I will say, I was very impressed. It had the rubber flooring instead of sand or wood chips, it had a big awning to block the sun, and it was fenced in so small children can't wander away. The play set itself was great as well, and had plenty of slides, which are Brianne's favorite. She is big enough now that she can climb up the play set and slide down all by herself. She loved climbing up, sliding down, climbing up again, and sliding down again... over and over and over. I was exhausted just watching her.

Brianne's favorite slide was the big tube slide. She tried sliding down every possible way - feet first, head first, on her knees. If sliding were an olympic sport, she would be the champion.

Trying to climb up the slide. Bradley was showing her how it's done.

We don't know exactly what this was for. But it looked cool.

Brianne having a blast swinging. The was the first time she actually liked being on the swing.

Love this picture. Just pure fun :o)

Attack of the snack traps! Enjoying some gold fish crackers after a fun afternoon of playing.

Bonus Video! Brianne sliding.


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