Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cleaning Sucks

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:05 PM
One of the many things I have been trying to teach Brianne is cleaning up after herself. This is a skill she has yet to master, which is probably because her obsessive complusive mommy picks her toys up before she has a chance to put everything away herself. I have tried a few different tactics to get her actively participating in cleaning up. Right now, she is in a monkey-see, monkey-do phase, and wants to do everything I do. So I let her give vacuuming a try. Ok, so maybe this is a little advanced and we skipped a few of the more basic cleaning skills, but Brianne wasn't complaining.

At first, she thought the vacuum was a fun new toy for her to ride. Ride'em cow girl!

But she soon realized that vacuuming is not as much fun as it originally looked.

But she made the best of it! I would vacuum for hours if it got her to smile like that :o)

Putting in some elbow grease. After a few tries, she really got the hang of it! She'll be cleaning our house in no time. Two isn't too young for chores, right? And she still doesn't know what allowance is, so extra bonus for me!


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