Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Swim Star

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:35 PM
Being Florida residents, you would think that Brianne would be an expert swimmer by now. But unfortunately, life keeps getting in the way, and we have not buckled down and gotten swim lessons for Brianne. Considering we spend time in the pool every week, we probably need to get this done sooner rather than later.

Though she can't swim unassisted, Brianne still loves the water. And we have gotten her several pool toys to try and encourage swimming. The latest is a star-shaped inner tube. Brianne likes to wear this more like a necklace than she does a flotation device.

Kinda missing the point of the floaty, but she is enjoying playing with it.

We did try to pull the floaty down around her waist and bring her into the pool, but she cried. So back to floaty-as-necklace. Taking her floaty for a trip around the pool area.


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