Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Girl in Town

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:19 PM
Our friends Scott and Barbra recently welcomed a new baby girl, Adyson Joy. We are so excited for them, and for their son Cayden, who is a very proud big brother! We recently went over to their house for dinner to meet little Addy. She is such a little sweetie, and loves to snuggle with her mommy and get big kisses from her bro. I don't think I heard her make a peep the whole time we were there - she was a perfect angel.

Marty is a sucker for baby girls, and wanted to hold her. I remember how scared of babies he was before Brianne, and now look at him. What a pro! Cayden was close by to make sure his little sister was alright -what a good brother :o)

Brianne didn't take a nap when she normally would have earlier in the day, and fell asleep in the car on the ride over. She continued sleeping when we got there, and crashed on the couch for a good hour. We finally had to bring in the big guns to wake her up, and turned on some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

We had a very nice dinner, and then went out to the back yard to play for a bit. Brianne loved playing with Cayden's sand table. She had a blast picking up the sand and pouring it onto the grass. We had to put the sand table away after she got a little over zealous with the pouring, and poured a cup full of sand into her mouth.

After we hosed her down to get the sand off, Brianne and Cayden tossed the football around. They actually threw the ball to each other. Tthey didn't actually catch it, but this was one of the first times I saw Brianne playing a game with another kid, instead of taking the ball and running off with it.


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