Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tickle Monster

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:46 PM
One of the greatest things about Brianne getting older is her developing her sense of humor. She is just plain funny. She loves to laugh and doing things to make other people laugh, especially tickling. She makes the funniest faces, and when she babbles, sometimes, I swear she is trying to tell us a joke.

When Marty went to pick up Brianne from school recently, he walked into her classroom to find her standing up in front of 20 children and cracking them all up. From what her teacher told us, she was up there making funny faces and dancing around, and basically bringing the house down. She just turned two and already knows how to work a crowd.

Every minute we spend with Brianne is a new adventure, and we can't wait to see what she'll do next!

Sharing some tickles with mommy :o)

Practicing her Shrek roar!

Going in for a tickle sneak attack. Look at that devious little face.

Stopping to smell the stickers.

Contemplating her next punchline.

We captured Brianne's favorite tickle game on video. She tickles each of us one by one, then says "tickle Bree Bree!" I could just die from the cuteness of it all.


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