Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:44 PM
This Fourth of July found us celebrating our country's independence in the city of Weston's parade. Marty was the only one of us actually in the parade. Brianne and I cheered him on from the side lines. Marty ended up walking in front of his parade car so he could meet and greet people along the parade route, so it worked out that we didn't plan on riding with him as I don't think Brianne (ok, I) would have made it in that heat.

Before the start of the parade, Marty showed Brianne the car he was going to ride in. Brianne enjoyed spelling the words on the sign.

After she was done spelling, she decided to run off with one of the magnets. She is getting pretty fast!

Practicing her wave from a (stationary) parade float.

We beat the heat in Weston's City Hall while waiting for the parade to start. Brianne was inspired by the governmental office, and wanted to practice her diplomatic conversational skills on the phone.

Once the parade was getting ready to start, we found a good place to catch all the action. While we waited, the DJ was playing great music and all the kids were dancing. I had a great time showing Brianne how to Cupid Shuffle.

Marty was toward the front of the parade, so we got to see him right away. I couldn't get my camera ready fast enough, so I only got the back of Marty (he's just to the left of the guy with the white hat and red shirt).

While we loved cheering Marty on, Brianne's favorite was the Disney float. Right as we were getting ready to leave, Mickey, Minnie and the whole Disney gang rolled by, and Brianne went tearing toward the street. I nearly had to tackle her to keep her from getting run over by a float.


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