Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome Tyler Schiff!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:11 PM
Our good friends Adam and Emily Schiff just welcomed their first child, a son they named Tyler! On June 25, we drove up to their house in West Palm Beach to meet our new little buddy.

I had forgotten how small new born babies are. Tyler is the most adorable little peanut! Here is proud mom, Emily, and with Tyler. Even though we only visited for a couple hours, I could tell that Emily and Adam are GREAT parents! Everyone seemed really happy and at ease with the new addition.

I had also forgotten how immobile little babies are. I have gotten so used to Brianne racing around our house, it was kind of weird to have someone sit quietly with me on the couch. We brought lunch for Adam and Emily, so I got some baby time while they ate. Brianne of course was very curious about Tyler and wanted to sit next to me while I held him. It was kind of stressful, because she would fling herself on the couch, or run by, and I was deathly afraid she would jump on the baby. But all in all, she behaved very well.

I really enjoyed visiting with Emily, Adam and Tyler. It definitely makes me wonder, what would it be like to have another baby in addition to a rambunctious toddler? Could we start all over again?

Our little drama queen. She definitely needed extra hugs after seeing us with another baby. But Brianne will always be our first and very special girl!


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