Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day of School

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:09 PM
After spending over a year with Aunt Joan, it was finally time for Brianne to start school. We love Aunt Joan, so this was a very hard decision, but one we thought was the best for Bree Bree. We picked Gloria Dei, which is a christian pre-school right next door to St. David. It doesn't have some of the bells and whistles that some pre-schools have now a days, but it was very nice and the teacher is lovely. The added benefit of this is that Grandma Mimi can help take Brianne to and from school.

On Brianne's first day, there were lots of nerves and tears (from me, Brianne was fine). When we dropped her off, she walked right into her classroom and started playing with the toys.
She didn't even blink when we walked out. When we picked her up, Brianne's teacher, Mrs. Valarie, said she did very well, though had issues with taking other kids toys, and stopping an activity when it was time to move to something else. Not too bad for a first day!

We were warned that days 2 and 3 could be rough as they know when you are leaving. But each day, Brianne has had no problem being dropped off. We are so thankful that Brianne has acclimated so well, and seems to enjoy her new school.

Brianne on her first day. I got her a brand new Hello Kitty back pack :o)


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