Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This is the Way We Walk the Dog

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:42 PM
Brianne likes to be helpful around the house, and now likes to take Cooper for a walk (with me following right behind of course).

Cooper gets so excited to go for a walk that he jumps up and down. Brianne says "oh, Coop-a jumpin!" Then I say "Stop jumping Cooper!". Which Brianne promptly follows with "No no Coop-a".

Brianne loves running with Cooper. It's a good thing he only weighs about 7 lbs., otherwise, he'd be dragging her around the block.

Another "Oh no Coop-a" situation. Cooper wrapped himself around this box, and Brianne had no idea what to do.

About half way around the block, Brianne lost interest in holding the leash and wanted to smell the flowers. Here she is getting a big whiff.

Some bonus shots of Brianne :o)

Little sweetie angel.


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