Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cooper's New Do'

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:59 PM
I took Cooper for his monthly grooming and specified that I wanted him shaved all over. Usually, even though I say "shaved all over" they see that he is a maltese and leave his ears and tail a little long. I guess they had a new groomer working that day who got a little razor happy.

When I picked Cooper up, I burst out laughing because at first, I thought they brought me the wrong dog. Cooper looks like he lost half his size. At least I got my money's worth! I think he looks adorable :o)

At first, Brianne was not too impressed with Cooper's new look. When she first saw him, she said "Daisy?" which is Grandma Mimi's maltese.

But she eventually warmed up to him.


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