Sunday, June 26, 2011

Birthday/Father's Day Combo

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:50 PM
This year, Marty's birthday and Father's Day fell on the same day - June 19. We both had to travel for work, so we celebrated on Saturday, June 18. When it's Marty's birthday, that means it's time for our annual trip to McDonald's. It was extra exciting for Brianne, as it was her first trip to the golden arches ever!

Here we are walking into McDonald's, looking like a bunch of tourists. We never go to McDonald's except on Marty's birthday, so we kind of are tourists.

Brianne got her first Happy Meal - chicken nuggets and french fries. Of all the things in her Happy Meal, I think she liked her new cow girl Barbie the most. She still runs around our house yelling "yee haw!"

Isn't she just the mc-cutest??

Marty with his once-a-year 20 piece mcnugget. Brianne didn't end up eating any of her nuggets and only about 3 french fries, so Marty got some bonus nuggets.

Sharing a Mc-Hug. I ate a fish sandwich (well, half a sandwich - it was kinda' yuck). I mostly ate french fries and a strawberry milkshake.

Once we got home, it was time for presents. Brianne made Daddy several pieces of art at school. I only had Christmas wrapping paper, so Marty's gifts had a merry look to them.

Super excited for Daddy's Birthday!

Brianne reading Daddy the card she got him. Of course, it's an Alphabet card - think "Dad, you are A-mazing, B-rave, C-aring, etc.


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