Sunday, June 26, 2011

Parks and Recreation

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:32 PM
On the weekends, Marty and I like to go for a bike ride to one of our local parks. The closest park to us, Markham Park, recently had a new playground added, and it is one the best playgrounds we've experienced. Not just that the equipment is new and awesome, but that it is empty, so we have it all to ourselves.

Of course, what does Brianne find first? The alphabet :o)

Contemplating a new slide.

An aerial view of the playground. This is only half the playground (I'm standing on the other part). What is so nice is that it has these awnings covering it, so you're not in the direct sun. It was still hot and muggy, but the awnings made it bearable.

Her next favorite part of this playground - the slides!

Having a snack before biking home.


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