Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:24 PM
We had a three day weekend for Memorial Day, and tried our best to enjoy every minute of it! On Saturday, we went to our friends, the DiPaolos, house for a barbecue.

Before the BBQ, we took a family bike ride to Markham Park. Brianne and I played on the playground while Marty went for a run.

The DiPaolos set up their bounce house and a splash pool, which entertained the kids for the entire afternoon.

Taking a dip in the pool with Bradley and Sophia.

Three little blondies enjoying a popsicle.

Brianne really enjoyed her popsicle and ate the whole thing!

Brianne loves slides, so wanted to check out every slide Bradley had. We all had a great time at the bbq!


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