Sunday, May 29, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:10 PM
We heard that there was a strawberry farm up in Delray Beach, so we decided to spend a Saturday checking it out. When we got there, it looked kind of like an old strip mall. However, when we walked through the store front, we saw that the entire back area was a humongous farm and garden.

Brianne and Bradley got their strawberry buckets and were ready to pick! This facility also rescues birds, so they had a lot of different kinds of parrots to look at.

We almost made it to the strawberry fields, but were intercepted by some super cool Tonka trucks. Bradley and Brianne wanted to take a spin in this jeep after they picked out some oranges from the stand behind them.

An overview of the strawberry fields. Pretty awesome!

Brianne picking some berries right off the plant. It doesn't get any fresher!

Once Brianne had a taste of fresh strawberry, she was hooked! I think the farm frowns on eating your produce before paying for it, but there was no stopping her!

We picked berries for about 30 minutes, but Brianne kept eating them, so I had to go back for more so I would have something to take home. Bradley is wondering how she can eat so many strawberries...

She looks kind of like an angelic vampire in this picture. Those strawberries were really ripe!

One last stop in the garden (and one more strawberry) before heading home.


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