Monday, May 30, 2011

Working at the Car Wash

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:11 PM
While we love going to the pool, sometimes we like to find different ways to beat the heat. So we thought we'd use one recent weekend to wash our cars. Of course, Brianne being the good little helper that she is, volunteered to give us a hand.

We brought her water table out, and she busied herself with filling that up while we got our car washing gear ready.

Brianne loved playing with the bubbles in the soapy water. She kept trying to climb into the bucket.

Marty showing Brianne the first step in car washing.

Brianne spent most of the time supervising from her pink life gaurd chair.

What a good little helper :o) She only cleaned that one little part of the front bumper, but it's the thought that counts!


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