Monday, May 30, 2011

Marc and Jen's Wedding

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:47 PM
After 2 years of being engaged, Marc and Jen's wedding day finally came around on May 20. I think I was more nervous for this wedding than my own since Brianne was the flower girl. We went the rehearsal the night before the wedding, and it did not go well. Brianne did not want to hold hands, or walk down the aisle. She wanted to run through the pews and up around the alter. We couldn't quite reach a compromise, and she settled for throwing herself face down on the floor in the middle of the aisle and disrupting the entire rehearsal. Also, at this point, Brianne was still refusing to put her flower girl dress on. So I was a big ball of nerves, worrying that Brianne would ruin the wedding.

But once we got to the church, Brianne put her dress on with minimal fuss (this was due in large part to the ipad and non-staining snacks I brought - think plain potato chips and white yogurt raisins). And even though we couldn't get her down the aisle one time during rehearsal, once we were there for the big show, Brianne grabbed my hand, smiled and walked the whole way down the aisle perfectly.

Brianne and I walking down the aisle together. She is holding a box of yogurt raisins in her other hand. Not as nice as a basket of flowers, but at least she went down the aisle. When she made it to the end, she did a little dance to celebrate her success. It was so cute!

Marc and Jen getting married. If you're wondering where Brianne is....

Mee Maw Debbie had to take her to a back room and entertain her with the ipad.

Brianne saved her meltdown for after the ceremony. She was getting bored waiting for her turn with the photographer.

Don't we all look so nice?

Marty's cousin Kristen's son, Boone, was the ring bearer. Boone is such a little angel, and did so good at rehearsal and during the wedding.

Cheering for joy for Marc and Jen! After the ceremony, Grandpa Steve and Grandma Janet picked Brianne up and brought her home so Mom and Dad could enjoy the reception. It was a great wedding, and we are so happy for Marc and Jen!


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